Published on June 13, 2024

Tax Return Deadline Extension for San Diego County Federal Disaster Area: What You Need to Know


In light of recent federal disaster declarations, residents and businesses in San Diego County have been granted a crucial extension for filing their tax returns. The new deadline to submit tax returns is now June 17, 2024. At Wilson & Associates CPA, we understand that navigating these changes can be challenging, and we are here to guide you through this extended deadline and what it means for you.

Why the Extension?

The extension follows the severe weather events that prompted the federal disaster declaration for San Diego County. This extension provides much-needed relief to those affected, allowing additional time to organize and file their tax returns without the pressure of the usual deadlines.

Who Qualifies for the Extension?

The extension applies to:

  • Individuals who reside or have a business in San Diego County.
  • Taxpayers who had a valid extension to file their 2023 return due to run out on October 15, 2023.
  • Those with tax-related deadlines that fall between now and June 17, 2024.
  • This extension also applies to various tax filings and payment deadlines, including quarterly estimated tax payments typically due on April 15 and June 15.

Key Dates to Remember

April 15, 2024: Originally the deadline for filing individual tax returns and paying any tax due. Now, this deadline has been extended to June 17, 2024.

June 15, 2024: The due date for second-quarter estimated tax payments. This has also been extended to June 17, 2024.

Other Filings and Payments: The extension also includes quarterly payroll and excise tax returns that are normally due on April 30, 2024.

How to Prepare

Gather Documents Early: Use the additional time to ensure you have all necessary documents, including W-2s, 1099s, and receipts for deductible expenses.

Consult with a CPA: At Wilson & Associates CPA, we offer personalized consultations to help you understand your specific situation and optimize your tax strategy.

Stay Informed: Keep abreast of any further announcements from the IRS that might affect deadlines or provide additional guidance.

Benefits of the Extension

  • Avoid Penalties and Interest: Filing by the new deadline of June 17, 2024, helps avoid late-filing penalties and interest on any taxes due.
  • Additional Time for Thorough Preparation: Use this period to ensure that your tax return is accurate and complete, potentially identifying additional deductions and credits.
  • Reduced Stress: The extension provides some breathing room, especially for those who have been directly affected by the disaster.

How Wilson & Associates CPA Can Help

Navigating tax deadlines can be daunting, especially amidst a federal disaster declaration. Our team at Wilson & Associates CPA is dedicated to providing expert guidance and support. We can assist with:

Tax Return Preparation: Ensuring your tax return is accurate and filed on time.

Tax Planning: Helping you make strategic decisions to minimize your tax liability.

Consultations: Providing personalized advice tailored to your specific needs.


The extended deadline to June 17, 2024, offers significant relief to those in San Diego County. At Wilson & Associates CPA, we are committed to helping you make the most of this extension. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and ensure you’re prepared to meet the new deadline with confidence and peace of mind.